• CGC (Christ Gospel City), formerly ACBF, began with Pastor Anthony Kwabena Agyei leading 16 members in Germany.
  • Samuel Turkson, originally pursuing computer science, joined the congregation.
  • After Pastor Agyei’s departure, Turkson took over leadership with Kwasi Preko.
  • The church expanded, meeting publicly in 1999 and growing to over 180 members from 25+ countries.
  • They moved locations twice, settling in Karlsruhe.
  • In 2005, they joined BFP, strengthening ties within the Christian community.
  • Pastor Turkson remained dedicated, leading the congregation and choosing to stay in Germany.
  • The church embraced a new name, Christ Gospel City, in 2016, reflecting its evolving identity and mission.

We have the vision to follow this mission in order to:

  • bring people into a personal relationship with God
  • lead people into God’s freedom with the power of the Holy Spirit
  • train people in discipleship
  • lead people in the true and joyful worship of God
  • to bring God’s light into the world where there is darkness
  • to bring people into a personal relationship with God
  • to lead people into God’s freedom with the power of the Holy Spirit
  • to train people in discipleship
  • to lead people in the true and joyful worship of God
  • to bring God’s light into the world where there is darkness

That’s why we want to get in touch with you and invite you to join us. Visit us and get to know a church that is something special!

We are Christians from different countries and cultures who want to make a difference in the world around us by integrating our faith into everyday life.

Just as Jesus Christ called us to go into the nations and proclaim the good news, we are passionate about bringing the Kingdom of God into the world with His power.

To win more and more souls for the God’s Kingdom.